Monday, April 13, 2020

Don't You Get It?

Pollution is waning.  Smog has cleared and the beautiful blue skies are visible for the first time in a long, long time.  Mother Earth is rejoicing.  Reversing the abuses we have unfurled on what gives us life is possible.  All of our constant traveling and running around is killing Mother Earth.  Mother Earth had to inject a virus on us to get us to even listen.  Being the obstinate, smug and ignorant lot we are we will return to our old ways just as soon as the perceived threat of the virus passes.

What if we all came to the conclusion that most of our running around is useless?  What, if we as a planet, decided to give Mother Earth a breather for 2 months of each year?  Don't you get it?  Business is bad for the environment.  Humans traveling around is bad for the environment.  Covid 19 is to humans as humans are to Mother Earth.  WE ARE THE VIRUS. 

What if we all decided collectively that a vast percentage of our traveling and running around is selfish?  What if we all stayed HOME more often and actually LIVED in our neighborhoods?  Look at all the creativity that is blooming right now as people have to search for things to do.

There is so much positivity that is happening right now.  Don't you get it? 

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