Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Settling In

I'm praying for everybody around the world to settle into our 'new normal' which we previously and ridiculously suspected was climate change.

Oh no.  There's more.  Like that was the only thing we needed to worry about.

I'm begging everybody to PUH-LEEZE slow down and ask the big questions.  This is where we need to look beyond our own immediate needs.  Do you really think the governments all around the world all co-conspired to unleash an uncontrollable virus among the population without any hint of vaccine or immunity?

Well.....there's a theory that the governments HAD to all co-conspire because of the runaway impacts of global warming, but I'm not going to go into conspiracy theories here.

Where I'm going with this is that all of us at home with our thumbs up our a$$ should be grateful for the heroic efforts of the medical community.  Sure.  We are all whining that we can't go out to dinner or attend a concert or go to a friend's home.  Really?  Is that ALL you really have to gripe about?  You poor BABY.... let me wipe your sniveling nose for you with jalapeƱo infused sandpaper.

Think about the doctors, nurses, etc., who are dealing with this day in and day out.  They are exhausted.  How long can we tax them?  What if we all decide we're sick of staying home (no pun intended) and the virus runs rampant?  Where will all the doctors be?  Dead from exhaustion, that's where.  Sorry, you can't get your broken leg set in a cast because all doctors will be dealing with everybody who was bored being at home and decided social distancing was bull$h@t.

If we do nothing else, we should all adhere to sheltering in place for the sake of the medical community as to not to overwhelm them.  With out the medical community, who is going to save YOUR sorry a$$ if you need a doctor, as it is only yourself you seem to care about.

Microphone dropped. 

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