Monday, April 20, 2020

Pick Your Poison, People

Also known as PYPP is legislation handed down from the ultimate authority, Mother Earth.  See, She is tired of humans thinking we are so superior to Her perfect, intricate design and f****ing it up in the process.  She has been throwing down warning shots for years now.  We now are faced with Her final ultimatum:

1.  Go back to business as usual and have the virus wipe out a sizable portion of the population (Russian roulette), or;
2.  Go back to business as usual and have global warming poison and then drown us (death by 1,000 cuts), or;
3.  Accept the fact we are at Her mercy and change what we value and strive for.

See, there is no more 'business as usual' and there never will be ever again.  That only leaves us with option #3.  Yes, it's going to take a huge effort to change the compass on how our world has lived and operated the last 160 years or so.  It's simply not sustainable. 

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