Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Revenant

The title of this film fits it perfectly - meaning that you no matter what happens to the main character, he just keeps on going and returns.  I'm just now getting to view the films that were nominated for the Oscars this year.  I'm late, I know...  However, the Revenant is the most true depiction of the American West I have ever seen.  No, the American West was not full of clean-shaven cowboys with white pearly teeth, and not all natives were bad and to be shot out of the saddle.  The plot.  Wow.  I won't go into detail as I don't want to spoil it in case you have not seen it.  If you watch closely and are able to catch the subtleties it will take your breath away.   I cried more than once, and that surprised me as my expectations of the film were only so-so at best because I still see Leonardo DiCaprio drowning off the Titanic and every teeny-boopper on the planet going into despair. 

I'm glad I did not follow the 'politically correct police' and bash the Oscars for giving Leonardo DiCaprio the award for best actor.  He deserved it.  Sorry.  How about everybody lightening up a bit and quit the automatic reverse-discrimination against white males? 

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