Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Egypt Air Flight 804: Not Our Problem....but it is

(heavy sigh) What does United States Intel have to say about Egypt Air Flight 804?  Was it foul play?  Was it mechanical failure due to the airbus's reputation for fickle systems and maintenance?  I hate to say this, but our intel has a lot less of a news story than the media is portraying.  Dullness and fact finding prior to media broadcasting simply does not equate to the high sensationalism and associated ratings.  You all tune out right away if immediate terrorist blame, blood, and guts are not involved to find the latest episode of the Kardashians.  Sorry, reporting the news correctly is not always instant gratification. 

......not only that.....

It was a foreign aircraft over foreign airspace where the US was not the sanctioned one "on watch" and responsible.   However, to our discredit, we manage to mess up plenty on foreign soil on our watch - it just so happens not in this instance. 

Hey France,  listen up.....you're still *very* vulnerable an all accounts.  I will dare to mention that many of your terrorists were born in France.  Your problem is more home-grown and self-inflicted than you think.  I will also dare mention that Europe in general is very vulnerable.   Sorting out good from evil will be a continued effort as the very definition of good and evil tends to shift constantly and change depending on your point of view.  All I know for certain is that the future is optimistic, but history is violent. 

I don't have any answers for anybody and I don't pretend to.

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