Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Windows Tech Support and Robo Calls: HELP!!!

Getting strange calls from some dude with an Indian accent claiming he's from Windows Tech Support?  This scam is about as blatant as the prince from an African nation pleading for your bank account number because he needs to give you his money.  Are you also sick of phone calls pushing solar panels?  Political opinion polls?  All you want is your peace and quiet and the ability to have a conversation over dinner without being interrupted. 

You've put your numbers on the 'do not call' registry and continue to report these annoying solicitations to the FTC.  It's about as effective as the 'no cell phone while driving' law.  Useless and completely unenforceable. 

You can play along with annoying solicitors and scammers and then pull the rug out from under them if you have the time and the energy.  I'm conserving my energy as of late.  A VERY good friend of mine recommended "NoMoRobo" which sounds like a cheesy infomercial but my friend is very tech savvy and I'm desperate to actually want to answer my phone again.

The downside is that it's not available for wireless numbers.  Keep requesting it for your wireless carrier.  There's power in numbers, people.  I have never endorsed anything on my blog.  This one is worthy.  For freedom of robocalls watch video below:

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