Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Syrian Refugees and the EU

I feel sorry for Europe these days.  They are being bombarded with floods of migrants from foreign lands  trying to escape whatever hell they refer to as their former home. 

Wow.  A little bit of history repeating.  Think about it. 

How did the Americas become populated with European migrants?  We were all trying to escape war torn Europe and their political crap.  The Native Americans resisted our initial push for land and resources, but we just killed them and took their land anyway. 

We all invade where we believe the grass to be greener.  Welcome or not.  We all arrive with the innocent mask of suffering mothers with babies.  You suckers take them in much like the Native Americans did with the first Thanksgiving and show them the ropes of raising crops, livestock, and whatnot thinking that the newcomers actually came to help you and live in harmony with you.  Bullshit.

Brace yourselves, Europe.  The ISIS Trojan Horse has arrived.  They will soon be slitting your throats.  There is a tipping point.  News flash for the EU:  You can't take them all in. 

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