Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fort Abercrombie: Abercrombie, North Dakoka

So much history under my feet growing up I was tuned into, but oblivious of.  Let's take Fort Abercrombie for example.  When I was a kid it was a place to have picnics after church on a Sunday.  As I got older into the teen years it was the place to hang out at night to party.  We would all sit still and wait for the spirits to become active.  Somehow, that pretty much always turned into 'spin the bottle' where many a romance started -- and ended.

It wasn't until I was a little older did I really understand the history of the place.  It was the first fort in the Dakota Territory that protected the Red River of the North and the Ox Cart trade.  The Sioux sieged the fort in 1862 as the Sioux were getting peeved at the number of whites staking out land for farms and killing the bison.  Strategic timing for the Sioux as the Civil War was going on and a lot of men were called away to fight.  Well, we all know how the Sioux Uprising of 1862 ultimately went.

Anyway, some images that depict Fort Abercrombie past and present.  I have and always will feel at home there.

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