Sunday, September 13, 2015

Stinking Pile of Poo: Part IV

OMG.  This has more episodes than Star Wars.  About 6 months ago or so my duties were relieved of being the chief administrator of a less-than-up-and-up "insurance" program I inherited from some low-level mobster who had to retire and relocate to Nevada - where all mobsters hide.  The FBI became involved and I was more than happy to let it all go.

Anyway, Mr. Wonderful Los Angeles and his partner in crime, Mr. Shiney Shoes, thought they could take it all over and run the program in their sleep.  I did inherit a pile of stinking poo, but I honestly tried to make it legitimate.  I spent countless hours making sense out of the entire thing as the concept was, at its core, a good one.  

My cell phone rang on a Saturday from an insurance broker panicked about a renewal that is not being followed up on.  See, the insurance broker has a HUGE amount in commissions hanging in the balance.  We're talking millions in premiums for the panicked insurance broker for just this one client.  For myself, I just tried to make something legitimate out of something that was not.  I was not working on commissions - I can't say that the past administration did not.  Phone calls from the new administrator are not being returned and everything is a mess.

Boo Hoo.

Here we go... I took over and made running the program look easy.  Now these idiots are figuring out they're not going to get their commissions because Mr. Wonderful Los Angeles with all the answers took the reigns.  Now that the situation is impacting the brokers pocket books they are now trying to woo me back into running things.

Sorry.  You did not value me then, why are you suddenly giving me value now?  Oh...... I see....because you now have figured out that I made you MONEY.   It took until the annual renewals to figure out my dollar value to you.

fuck off, assholes

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