Monday, September 7, 2015

Back of the Bus

It's harvest season and I've been going non-stop with canning, freezing,  and other assorted farm wife duties that modern society has pretty much abandoned.  Yes, I'm the go-to person people come to with their garden abundance not knowing what to do with it.  I think I have found a niche much like a butcher does with livestock.  People bring me their fruits and vegetables and I can, freeze, process, or whatever and give it back to them.  I have all the canning and preserving gizmos and gadgets and can do it pretty much in my sleep.

 However, even Quiet Rage gets tired after processing 30 pounds of tomatoes in one afternoon.  I have my little tricks to keep my energy level up.  A must have is music in my kitchen.  It keeps me motivated.  During a break in the tomato canning process I broke out in dance right there in the middle of my kitchen floor.  My VERY Scandinavian  husband tossed a look my way and said, "I married a neeGROW.  If this were the early 1960's you would have been sent to the back of the bus."

To which I replied, "Well, the back of the bus is where all the fun is at.  AND they have better food."


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