Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Belly Laugh

As life is taking me on a tour and educating me on this plane of existence, I'm realizing more and more the importance of the belly laugh.  You know.  The laugh where sometimes liquid spurts out your nose and your stomach is in agony.

Where belly laughs are inappropriate (funerals, weddings, business meetings) hard core silent giggles work as well.  You know.  Where your entire body is shaking and people think you're having an epileptic seizure.  Weird grunts arise from your throat in attempt to suppress and silence the laughter.

You know what love is?  It's the people you experience laughter with.  I'm not saying that you don't have your knock-down nasty arguments with them -- if you spend ANY amount of extended time with ANYBODY you will have a knock-down nasty argument.  It's the ability to later have a good belly laugh about the argument down the road with the person you had the argument with.   It's my lame definition of love.

Surround yourself with people who make you laugh and see the humor in this temporary, brief existence.  None of us are as nearly as important as we want to believe. 

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