Friday, March 7, 2014

The Risk

Today I took a huge risk professionally.  I've been at my company for 25+ years.  During the time I've been with my employer I've been through deaths, births, marriages, divorces, graduations, baptisms, and you-name-it milestones with co-workers and associates.

Yes, we've gone from crayons to perfume.

I guess it's a sad statement to admit that last night I had a dream about a deceased associate.  I've been at my job too long...dreaming about deceased co-workers??????  Anyway, this deceased associate died about 4-5 years ago.  I had known him for the entire 25 years of my career as he was there when I first started.

In my dream I was talking to him.  I knew he was dead and I was a tad uneasy about holding a conversation with him but continued on just the same.  We were in a room with no furniture and he had a dog with him.  He seemed a tad agitated that he no longer had a physical body.  I tried to calm him by saying that his family was doing well.  He knew I was omitting information about his wife, who in realty is NOT doing well since his passing.  Instead, I shifted the focus of the conversation to his granddaughter.  End of dream.

Morning comes.  I was startled by the subject matter of this dream as it seemed so real.   I went about my day as usual.  My cell phone dinged with a text message.  It was a text from the dead associate's son thanking me for some information I had sent to him.

Here's where I took my risk.

I replied in my text that I had a dream about his deceased dad last night.  I went on to describe what he looked like, what his emotions were, and that he had this dog with him???  What was up with this dog?

I was ready to receive a return text stating that I was completely insane and that the Napa koo-koo wagon was waiting to give me a ride to Hotel NutCase.

It was the opposite.  The text I received in return was all about how I nailed his concerns about individual family members would fare after his death.  I was also told about the dog.  My associate had a dog he LOVED and he took the dog everywhere.  He and this dog were always together.  When my work associate died, the dog mopped around looking for him and eventually the dog died of a broken heart.

I knew nothing about the damn dog.

Understand that I work in an environment where only the physical world exists and anything seemingly ethereal ends up with a witch hunt where I would be burned at the stake.

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