Monday, March 17, 2014

Snowden and Russia

Where is the media curiosity now that Russia is all puffed up like a rooster and acting aggressively thumbing their nose at the world?  Doesn't anybody put together that Snowden took political asylum in Russia and now Russia is invading Ukraine? 


Of course Russia is feeling cocky.  Snowden sold us out.  Do you all still think he's a hero?  The media would have to retract the praises that were given; therefore, making the media reactionary fools with half the facts.   There is waaaaaaaaaaaaay more to this than the simplistic, unclassified hype created by some junior journalist trying to make a name for himself. 

There's a reason the intelligence community acts the way they do -- it's not to bust you for cheating on your spouse or bad mouthing the president.  They don't care about that.  They don't have time for that. 

Let me lay it on you all straight.  The world is NOT a nice place.  We are sheltered from much of what is really happening. 

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