Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Financial Betrayal

How many ways do I screw my spouse over?  Let me count the ways...

I think I've heard it all by this point.  Nothing shocks me.  Between myself, friends, and work associates, I've come across every type of marital betrayal imaginable.  Many times the victim-spouse has no clue what's going on and is crushed when the truth is revealed.  S/he had placed blind trust in the one person who was supposed to be your life mate and instead got a knife in the back. 

What's marriage for if you can't f*** over your spouse, take the money, and run off with somebody else?

The latest episode involves a colleague in the east bay.  He and his adorable wife had been married 25 years.  They both had good jobs and all the visible material possessions of upper-middle class suburban life. 


The wife had drained the bank accounts and now their two homes are in foreclosure.  They also have two kids in college.  Apparently, the husband had *no* idea she was spending money left and right on god only knows what.  Gambling?  Drugs?  Boy Toys?  See, he had placed that blind trust in his wife to take care of the financial responsibilities for the family.  I'm kind of skeptical that he claims he had no clue.  Would not the bill collectors be calling?  Would not notices come in the mail about delinquent house payments for months prior to the actual foreclosure?

Whatever.  None of my business.  Looking at this couple from the outside they appear to have it all together.  Only a few know they are half a step from the homeless shelter.  Damn.  They will win the Barbie and Ken best-dressed homeless people award. 

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