Saturday, March 8, 2014

Internal Revenue Service

Oh yeah, they like for you to take it internally alright.  The penetration is getting deeper and deeper each year.  TheIRS is no joke.  It's theirs. 

My beautiful Saturday was ruined by the buzz kill of finally finishing up my personal taxes for 2013.  I suppose I could have filed an extension, but I'd rather know the bad news first so I can prepare myself.

This year I wrote checks to both the feds and the state to the tune of thousands of dollars.  My stomach is still churning and I'm getting the taste of throw-up in the back of my mouth.  I suppose I could have created financial accounting tricks and shell games to soften the tax blow, but I *really* want to stay off the radar and refrain from raising red flags to any taxing authority.  Quite frankly, it's not worth the audit process. 

I don't mind paying taxes if it's wisely accounted for the good of the citizens -- it's waste, fraud, and greed that drive me up a wall. 

There's that throw-up taste again.

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