Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's Fucky Out: Momma Finn

One of my BFF's in Minnesota had a Finnish speaking mother.  God bless you if you can understand a Finn.  I spent a lot of time at my friend's house, so some words just were damn funny to hear.  One thing that sticks out to this day is when it's foggy outside, like it is here tonight in Sonoma County.  My friend's mom would say that it's "fucky" out.  Ok.... I was 10 years old.  Hearing such language was cause for a gasp followed by howling laughter.  Her cute accent was adorable.  She also had a way of asking us girls to do the dishes that to this day I can not quite repeat correctly. 

This same Momma Finn would also buy us beer as underage kids.  We would go to the cabin where us teens actually had our own cabin ALL TO OURSELVES - as they owned three on the lake.  Momma Finn had the main cabin, and us kids had the party cabin.  We would sit around the campfire with Momma Finn drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and telling stories.  Imagine.  Seventeen year old kids hanging out with 45 year olds and LIKING IT!  I also remember playing cards and then skinny dipping just because we could.  There was something very freeing about it all. 

That's about the time Beanie magically showed up on his bike......he rode 70 miles just to be there. 

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