Thursday, November 10, 2011

Duggars Expecting 20th Child

You've got to be f***** kidding me.  The world is experiencing exploding overpopulation, and these morons are glorified for mass reproduction?  There is no way in hell they can give 20 kids the attention to become mentally healthy, functioning adults.  Just having a few kids drains parents who are actually treating their kids more than something coming off an assembly production line. 

If there was ever an environmental crime, this is it.  Please, shut down the baby factory.  Her uterus must have a no vacancy sign.  Her vagina must be like a flubbery, trap door at this point.  How can her husband even enjoy fucking something so used at this point?  Her vagina must be more stretched out than an old lady's elastic waist band on polyester pants.  eeeeeeeeeek.......

Plop.  Out drops another baby while mundanely wiping dishes on a Tuesday night  (reminder of Monty Python's Meaning of Life)   Kids...... can you pick  up that crying bloody blob that just dropped out of my vagina and wipe all of the blood off?  Would you also mop the placenta off the floor before doing your homework and taking out the trash?    You have another sibling.....     I hear your moaning, kid #9.  Don't give me that look, kid #12.... I'll deal with you after I deal with Number 1, 2, 3, 7, (deep breath) 13, 8....  yeah.... I'm on top of you all.  God says so......  Hurry up.... we all need to circle for our prayer group in 15 minutes....

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