Friday, November 11, 2011

Iraq War Vets Find Hope - or Find Permanent Disability: Santa Rosa Press Democrat

The headline should have read, "Iraq War Vets Find How to Scam Disability."

Yes, I am going to DARE be politically incorrect on Veterans' Day.  Today we have on the front page of the Santa Rosa Depressed Rat an emotionally battered ex-Army COOK who served about 8 months. 

You have got to be kidding me.  I'm sorry, but giving a headline to a whiny Army COOK who served a whopping 8 months is just plain insulting to those who have lost arms, legs, faces, etc.

Can you say milking the system?  Post-traumatic stress disorder my ass.  She is looking for life-long government income and health benefits.  Perhaps the oatmeal she was forced to work with as an Army cook was just too lumpy and it caused undue stress.  Perhaps an enemy jumped out from behind the freezer and made her fry hamburgers against her will -- she is a vegetarian, you know.  Whaaaaaaaaaaa...

Sum it up.  She knew she was going to get kicked out of the Army.  She invented some disorder as to not get a dishonorable discharge.  She can't hold a job, she never has and never will as she is flakey to the core.  She doesn't even live near her family as I'm sure they are sick of her freeloading as well.  So, she comes to Santa Rosa where dumb-ass reporters give her headlines and justifies her made up bullshit complete with the sappy photo of her arms crossed, looking solomnly to the right over her shoulder, pouty face, and dramatic lighting. 

Yes, Janel Ritz, go shopping on Veterans' Day.  God forbid you should do something meaningful for your comrades with real injuries.  You are NOT in the same category as the Pearl Harbor survivors.  Get a float for the Veterans' Day Parade with your whiny-ass story and watch people throw eggs at you.  I'm sure if you Google this and read this, it will add another dollar amount to your disability claim as it's causing you mental anxiety.  I'm sure some tax-money-suck support group called "Oatmeal Anguish" will form to help you.  Violins playing.....
Another SoCal reject living up here being a total high-maintenance pain in the ass.

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