Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sonoma County Airport

I love flying out of our Santa Rosa airport.  It sure beats fighting traffic for two hours to get to Oakland or San Francisco, parking the car, lugging baggage, waiting in long lines, walking three miles to get to your gate, etc. At this point I know the Santa Rosa airport security on a first name basis as I fly out so frequently. 

I've heard rumblings that they want to expand the airport.  YEAH!!!!  Somebody is finally getting it.  Santa Rosa is too large of a city and economic force NOT to have a viable airport.  I'm not one to pave over every patch of grass in the name of business, but this idea just makes sense.  I'm sure the only ones objecting are the people who live near the airport.  Whaaaaaaaa..... here's your pacifier and diaper.  I don't get it.  They buy a house near an airport and then bitch about planes.  DUH!!!!  It's like buying a house near train tracks and then bitching about trains.  STFU and GTFO.  Just *where* is that SWAT team showing kids how to handle guns when you need them? 

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