Friday, September 16, 2011

Scared Little Boys

I'm just beginning to understand how fragile the male ego really is.  A story that really hit me was one my dad told me about a peacock that lived in the barn when he was growing up.  The proud peacock got his tale yanked out when a cow stepped on it.  The poor peacock went in a corner of the barn and would not come out and starved himself to death -- he was that distressed about losing his feathers. 

That same sensitivity can be translated to human males.  They are more sensitive than females in a lot of ways.   Society does not allow them to show it, so it gets masked in all sorts of unhealthy behavior.  I know of many males who on the surface put on a show of how manly, strong, and self assured they are.  Just under the surface they are scared little boys longing for approval and attention.  They are terrified. 

I used to think that men were all pretty much selfish jerks, but now I'm begining to think that the more obnoxious the man the more insecure he really is. 

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