Thursday, September 29, 2011

Questions for Military Intelligence

Sorry, I might hit a nerve but I have to ask the following questions:
1.  With the technology available and used for observing "threat" countries to the United States via advanced imagary and such, why not use available technology to secure our borders with Mexico? I would dare say Canada, but I think the Canadians are developing their own strategy of keeping us out.  I don't blame them.

2.  Why would we even NEED a mile-high fence with the Mexican border when such advanced technology in place where we can see a gnat's ass from 10,000 feet?

3.  Why do we even need border agents?  Technology exists to monitor and police bodies via infra red trying to illegally cross borders.

4.  Who is profiting from all of this loop-hole nonsense?  Somebody's uncle, I'm sure....

5.  What would Republicans do if their cheap labor would be cut off?  They all bitch about illegal immigration, but they are the first ones hiring Jose to paint their house, pick their grapes, etc.,  and hire Juanita to baby sit their kids while slipping them cash under the table.  STFU and put your money where your mouth is, or should I say your ass as that seems to be the bigger of the two.  I'm not letting Democrats off the hook, either.  You all look for the same cash-under-the-table deals your Republican nemesis is looking for.  You are even more evil of the two as you tout "fair wage" bullshit at your pulpit.  When you all hire a union landscaper, I will know you mean real shit..... BTW. I'm not holding my breath. 

6.  American's should just admit that we need a slave class in order to be an economical force.  The Romans had it.  The Eqyptians had it.  Hell, it's even mentioned in the Bible.  American's had it with the industrial north using Irish child labor in factories, and the cotton producing south had it with blacks prior to the 1860's. THAT'S AMERICA'S DIRTY LITTLE SECRET!!!!!!

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