Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Can You Count to 10? How about 15?

Attention WalMart Shoppers:  The express lane is limited to 15 items.  In case you can't count, we've posted this handy, dandy (no pun intended) guide for counting on da fingers.  I suppose this same philosophy could be implemented at Safeway, Lucky, or wherever idiots try to jam their cart loads of crap (waaaaaaaaay over the 15 item limit) using the express lane.  The problem is that people THAT stupid have no shame.  They will use the express lane regardless of how many items they may have.  They are completely oblivious as to how stupid they really are.  Go get that voting base, Michelle Bachmann.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there doing the same thing at the commissary.