Thursday, September 22, 2011

GOP Debate

Attention Republicans:  You are a bunch of white dorks.  I bet you drive Dodge MiniVans with the WWJD sticker on the back.  You are nerdy to the extreme -- whiter than sour cream.  I bet you won't even crack an egg for fear of abortion retaliation fro GOD.  You all should have fired your public image consultants moons ago.  Nobody should send you guys out looking like you just scored a cheap toupee from the Salvation Army.  And.... you should remove stick from ass before appearing on camera.  You all look like you have a major shit on deck. 

And come on... NOBODY wears suits and ties anymore -- especially if you're trying to appeal to the masses who are one paycheck away from financial ruin.  You all might as well wear white powdered wigs like they did 225 years ago as that's how out of touch you all are.  You look like uppity disconnects with NO clue what's happening in the real world.  It takes more than a bad toupee, over priced suits, and shiney shoes and to make us want to vote for you.  Oh, and stating that God endorses you goes doesn't help matters, either.   I would like to know exactly how God casts His votes.  I'm sure they figured out a way to count God's votes in Florida.  Whatever.

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