Sunday, November 14, 2010

San Francisco Bans Happy Meal Toys

Government parenting has gone too far. San Francisco has now banned toys in fast food meals. It seems so ironic that a city that prides itself on self-expression and personal rights now feels the need to proclaim that they are better parents than we are.

Doesn't San Francisco have REAL problems? Let's try crime, homelessness, panhandling, graffiti, etc. Why are they focused on what's really none of their business to begin with? Does it make them feel good?

Message to San Francisco: Mind your own business. Quit trying to supercede my parenting skills. If you really want to impress me with your over-the-top government intrusion on personal lives, be the first city in the nation to require a license to reproduce. You're already insinuating that people are too stupid to properly parent their own kids and need your ordained wisdom. Just who in the hell died and made you Dad of the year?

Gag me. Nice try at controlling stupidity. Good luck. Would you like fries with that?

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