Sunday, November 7, 2010

American Drug Cartel

I don't get why republicans are so against health care reform. I have a sneaking suspicion that while republicans are first in line to sign up for medicare when they become eligible, they want to deny offering any type of benefit to others.

Even "moderate" republicans have to see the benefit of having health coverage. I can't believe that they would be happy about seeing yet another benefit disappear.

Taxpayers will ultimately end up paying for health care one way or another. It will either be a legit format through actual health plans, or crammed emergency rooms filled with the uninsured. Pick your poison, people.

Still, the winners are the pharmaceutical companies. We talk about the evils of the Mexican drug cartel holding people hostage and playing with lives? What about the American drug cartel? It's the same thing over here. Don't fool yourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those republicans are such "Eagle Scouts" wanting to help all of us out. Heck, they should be cannonized into Sainthood....right? That being the case though, I'm thinking they should be really good sports and not accept that Social Security Check. My laugh here______________.