Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hair Salon

I love going to the hair salon. I love the gossip, the trash magazines, and all the possibilities of creating a new 'do' for myself and magically transforming my look. We get fashion ideas, make-up ideas, etc. It *always* feels good walking out of a salon with a sassy cut. Instant confidence lift.

While going to the hair salon seems superficial, there really is a community exchange going on. It's where we learn of others who are going through some tough times. Some are getting divorced, some are diagnosed with a terrible disease, some have lost their jobs, homes, etc.

On the flip side, we also share each others joy. We learn of kids going off to the college of their dreams, babies being born, and other life celebrations.

It's through this seemingly trite ritual of the 'hair salon' we connect with each other and we can ask mutual friends of the best course of action to help the person in need without being intrusive, and what the person celebrating a life event would appreciate as acknowledgement.

You know.... everybody is different.... and they respond to life events very, very differently. What some people would consider a sweet gesture, others would consider offensive. With the subtle 'hair salon' exchange, we get a clue on how to help.

.......and damn, I look good when I leave........


Anonymous said...

I think it would be really cool if Elle Woods was there and demonstrated the "Bend and Snap"!! Yay baby!!!

CG said...

I always like the fact I have to sit there for a couple of hours and not do anything else! Pure relaxation!