Saturday, November 6, 2010

Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Who??? What??? Why is my teenage daughter watching this crap? Just exactly WHO are the Kardashians and WHY do they deserve prime time?

Here's my own two-bit rendition: The Kardashian girls are the daughters of some rich, dead lawyer. The mother got remarried to Bruce Jenner, who has had one face lift too many. The guy looks like a melting barbie doll/Michael Jackson clone. They spend their days in LA bitching and complaining about NOTHING of actual importance. Their worst days are about missed nail appointments and shoes that are one shade too dark for their jeans. I think one episode featured their dog humping the neighbor's dog.

BRAIN DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are the Kardashians on tv? Goddesses only knows. "Like OH MY GAWD, like, your shoes, they, like, totally don't match your purse, and you're going OUT looking like that? What a TRAGEDY!"

What have the Kardashians done to improve the human condition? Nothing. Again, it's the Disney Channel up one age level. Complete brain dead crap. The only thing they have accomplished is to kill the idea that it's just only blondes who are completely void of higher cerebral brain functioning -- brunettes are not exempt.


Anonymous said...

Seacrest and Kris exploit the savage murders of two kind and gentle Americans and dishonor their memory

nosinbin4me said...

I too am guilty of viewing this complete crap --in the past. What ticks me off even more is that they are famous because their lawyer daddy defended dirtball OJ Simpson. The dude decapitated his victims and got off scott free and this show is exploiting it---sickening. I think Kong (Khloe) Kardashian annoys me to most. I recall her bragging on the show how she graduated Magna cum Laude. Well, yay that tends to happen when you are home schooled...What a complete idiot.