Friday, November 12, 2010

Boot Camp

At the ripe old age of early 40-something, I have a 22 year-old son who has officially been launched into adulthood. There was a tearful good-bye Tuesday morning at the MEPS in San Jose as Uncle Sam shuttled my baby boy off to some boot camp hell.

A part of me is rejoicing in this transition. I know when he returns home he will not leave his dirty socks and underwear behind the bathroom door, dirty dishes on the counter, and other little annoying habits that make us all want to kill our offspring.

On the other hand, he will be tested to the brink both mentally and physically. He will be broken down and then rebuilt. Not that there was anything wrong with him to begin with other than the petty little messes he left around the house, but you know what I mean. Thank God my son has many, MANY military relatives who warned him about what was to come.

I warned my son prior to leaving for boot camp that kids from California and Texas were picked on the most. My son already knew that. Still, I'm trying to figure out what has come out of Texas other than arrogant, self-righteous assholes? Somebody give me something to work with to prove me otherwise -- please? I think one tried to write a book recently, but it was rejected by the "Preschoolers for Literacy" patrol. Besides, I have no interest in rereading anything similar to the 'Curious President George' series. I read that when I was 5.

At least California has non-oil slicked beaches, almost legalized pot, redwood trees, wine country, and a Jerry Brown repeat. What's not to love?

Well, now my son will be exposed to people from ALL over the country serving in the military. E-GADS. Just WHAT mentality will he be dealing with???

Lesson 101: No, the world is NOT flat and people did NOT walk along side of dinosaurs. Sarah Palin is a retarded liar. Shocker, huh. Derp.

AND.... having a full set of teeth, plus an aversion to NASCAR and Mountain Dew is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Serve Sonoma County well, son..... We are all behind you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, he will deal with a lot of A-holes as I've been told by hubby, my Father, Father-in-Law and brother-in-Law. However, MORE IMPORTANTLY, he will also form bonds with some really great people. Bonds that those (like me) who have never served, will not be able to understand. But the way I imagine it after talking to my family members who have served is that it is a lot like the people you grew up with from Jr High and high school and have remained dear friends with to this day..........