Saturday, February 9, 2008

Overwhelmed... leave me alone

Don't you just love how everybody has ideas as to how YOU should be spending YOUR time? Not a day goes by where I'm not solicited to do, attend, help organize, or to donate. You get the picture.

Can't anybody just stay home anymore without these hyper freaks in my face thinking that I'm not doing anything? My favorite days are those where I don't have any appointments or commitments. I enjoy puttering around the back yard, or cooking a special meal for the family OR just nosing around on the internet. I just might sit on the couch and watch a movie....... Oh, the SHAME!

Attention hyper freaks: Go about buzzing around like busy little bees trying to draw attention to yourself. Leave me out of it. I'm quite happy being anonymous puttering around in my home.

1 comment:

CG said...

I think the world in general feels we should always be DOING. I often hear people greeting each other and exchanging comments on how "they never have a moment" and are always "nonstop busy". It's as if you're a failure if you've not always got lots on the go. I too like time to putter (or potter as we say in the UK)