Monday, February 11, 2008

Know the Difference

No, I'm not going to use "hormones" as an excuse anymore. I'm chronically pissed off all the time and I'm done making any apologies for it anymore. There are several things that contribute to my angry state of mind. I'm just sick and tired of everybody thinking that I'll drop whatever I'm doing to take care of whatever it is that's at the forefront of their attention without any consideration of what I'm doing at the moment.

For example, my husband seems to think that I have all the energy in the world to be his: cook, maid, sex object, personal secretary, personal bookkeeper, laundry woman, PLUS work full-time outside the home. I want a partner, not another child! You wonder where my sex drive has gone, well, who wants to have sex with a kid? Plus, I'm just too damn tired after taking care of your sorry ass. My message to him: MOTHER and WIFE = KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.

My kids seem to think I have ATM stamped on my forehead. No, I'm not your source of money. Neither am I your full time maid. I'm sick and tired of picking up your shit strung all over the house. I've started putting their crap they leave all over the place right into the trash. They look at me in bewilderment when they ask, "Where's my report for school?" Well, if you leave your fucking shit strung out all over the place, it looks like trash to me, so go dig through the goddamn garbage to find it. The kids seem to think that I have nothing better to do than chauffer them around, pick up after them and spend money on them, I've got news: MOTHER and SLAVE = KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.

Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and kids, but don't look to me as your be-all-do-everything-for-you. Get your asses off the couch and help me! Pick up after yourselves! Gawwwd... No wonder women get so pissed off during their periods. It's the only time where it's socially acceptable to let everybody know how we really feel.

I'm done....


CG said...

I know how you feel!!!!

Anonymous said...

What drives me crazy is that I know that my husband sits on his ass flipping tv channels when I'm out running errand for us or my mother. Why doesn't he sweep the kitchen floor or scrub the bathroom while I'm gone? It's like he thinks he's on vacation while I'm gone! Grrr! And if you complain, it only helps for a day or two. He just doesn't get it! So thanks for saying what I have been feeling for a looong time!