Friday, February 15, 2008

Keep Tahoe Blue Part II

About a month or so ago I blogged about the idiots who drive around with the "Keep Tahoe Blue" stickers slapped on the back of racing boat trailers and extra-polluting vehicles. I bet you thought I was kidding about it all...

Yeah, like slapping a sticker on their car will redeem them of damaging the environment. Can't these morons see the connection? If you're going to drive around a vehicle the size of a military tank, at least have the intelligence NOT to put a "Keep Tahoe Blue" sticker on the back end because you just look f****** stupid. Here's a better slogan/bumper sticker for these morons, "Save the environment -- kill yourself."

....and hope they follow through....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proof indeed! I like how I can see you in two of the pics! Miss you..JUlie