Sunday, May 3, 2020

Two Actual Readers

Believe it or not, I do have a very rich social circle.  It's true that I'm an introvert, so that means I'm very particular with the company I keep.  I prefer quality over quantity when it comes to people.  Also, when I make friends I tend to keep them forever.  Granted, we may not speak on the phone everyday (which is an introverts nightmare, anyway) but the connection is timeless.  With all my friends we can pick up exactly where we left off.  It does not matter if years have passed in between.  There's no guilt for lack of communication, either.  Life happens.  I'm not going to be the center of my friends' lives.  They have families, obligations, etc., etc.

My real friends know of this blog.  I know of two of them who actually read it.....and they still talk to me.  LOL. 

Enjoy your Sunday.  At the moment I'm doing LAUNDRY (all five stages, of course) and deciding what to make for dinner.  No, this does not set the thrill-o-meter off.  I'm content puttering about.  There's a certain peace in it. 

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