Saturday, May 23, 2020

Do As I Say And Not As I Do

Every wonder why all the television news anchors (and politicians) always look so fresh and neat?  Aren't they supposed to be 'shelter-in-place' with the rest of us?  Why does their hair not look ragged?  Why are they always so polished? ...and what of this of CA Governor Newsom jetting off this past weekend to Montana?  Oh yes, official CA business happens in Montana.  Isn't HE supposed to be sheltering-in-place like the rest of us? 

I don't buy for one second that they are all doing their own hair and make up. They mandate behavior they won't follow themselves.  If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. 

Yet, there they are....telling us all not to be selfish and to sacrifice for the greater good. FU. 


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