Monday, May 25, 2020

Aren't You Getting Antsy?

.....ummmmm...nope.  The longer this whole shelter-in-place continues the more I'm liking it.  I don't miss the public at all.  Don't worry, I'm not the least bit offended you all don't miss me, either.  It goes both ways.  In fact, I'm annoyed when you're at the grocery store the same time I am. 

I'm getting my social fix by sitting outside with one or two friends at a time for cocktails and such.  Everybody brings their own drink and food.  We all sit at least 6 feet apart.  Everybody who comes over is within walking distance so if nature calls they can all depart to do their thing and come back so nobody has to enter anybody else's home.  Fortunately for me, I have a band that rehearses across the road and we also get live music.  Bonus:  The band is actually really good.

What's there to miss?  I get time with my favorite people and also get live music......all without a hefty price tag.

We have decided that we are going to invest heavily into our yard, both front and back.  It's going to be the ultimate outdoor hang-out space as I think that is where entertaining is going and will stay.

Speaking of outdoor entertaining, maybe it's time to bring back drive-in movie theaters and car hop service.  BRING BACK THE 50'S.  If you have a classic car you get a free burger.  How fun would THAT be?  Dressing up would also get you a free hamburger (or whatever).

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