Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Sexual Assault Blame Game

I don't care whether your a democrat, republican, or whatever.  Any male that runs for office will be immediately accused of sexual misconduct with women from decades ago.

Before you get all huffy-puffy with me, I am not in any way condoning sexual power plays of any kind.  I am speaking (writing) out against the instant accusations that are always politically motivated.  It's Biden's turn to be in the hot seat on this issue.  There's something odd.... The alleged assault did not matter then when Biden was VP, so why now? 

They did it to Trump, they are now doing it to Biden.  I am not a fan of neither, just for the record.  They have done it countless times before with countless candidates and politicians.  Smearing a candidate on accusations that are older than a quarter century should not get any air time.  People who have committed murder have served less time and have been forgiven. 

Sorry, but this political move is old and tired...and quite frankly....nobody cares what happened 25+ years ago.  It's a he-said-she-said game that automatically puts the candidate on the defensive. The campaign managers who keep trying this used-up tactic attempting to get us to hate the opposition should be fired immediately.

If campaign managers going to try to dig up dirt on their opponent, make sure it's fresh dirt.  And yes, I'm a woman who has my share of male power plays over the years. 

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