Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday

It's Good Friday.  What that means for recovering Catholics like myself is praying the stations of the cross from noon until 3 o'clock.  No music.  No laughter.  No speaking.  It's a time of reflecting on the suffering of Jesus Christ while the Romans tortured and killed him.  The huge cathedral-like church my mother would drag us to was designed in beautifully intricate European fashion.  That was the one thing I really liked about that church.  It was incredibly beautiful.

I always liked Easter.  It's a time of renewal and hope.  I find it kind of humorous that all the Christian holidays kind of mimic the ancient Pagan ones.  If you really think about it, all holidays from all religions kind of mimic each other.  Are we figuring out that we really are ONE?

ONE is the answer to the advanced algebraic equation of life.  I don't care how we humans complicate the equation thinking we are so smart.   The answer is always ONE.  Here's the cheat sheet for life:  In algebra both sides of the equation must ALWAYS equal the other.  You can't do something to one side of the equation without it affecting other.   No matter what we do or how we do it, there will be re-balancing of political/social/environmental impact at some point.  Nothing we do is without consequence.  The consequences may not be immediate, but they are there nonetheless even if it takes several generations.  Nothing is exempt as we are all part of this equation.  We are all in this together - whether we like it or not. 

Think about that before you all vote. 

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