Monday, March 28, 2016

Catty Politics

Politics are catty.  I mean for real when I say catty.  It's not just humans who are getting nasty with the claws out.  To share with you the how nasty the political climate is these days just look no further than to my my cat, Mr. Mayor.

Mr. Mayor has been a long-time favorite in da hood.  He has personality plus and has been seated as the mayor for quite a while...until last night when he sneaked out.  There was a ruckus on the front porch that sounded like WWIII was going on.  Mr. Mayor got into a scuffle with a contender.  Fur was flying and that's not just a saying.  My cat is a big boy and he held off the contender, but I have a feeling the contender will be back once he licks his wounds.

Poor Mr. Mayor.  He's been awfully humble and still today and hiding behind the couch.  If only human politicians could be so smart.

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