Tuesday, March 15, 2016


As if my dreams could not get any stranger...  It's frustrating to have such vivid dreams each night as I don't ever feel like I get a good night's sleep.  Here's my dream from last night...and yes, my brain is used for research.

I was in a dark cabin with a boy sitting at a wooden table desk with an oil lamp.  The glow from the oil lamp was the only light in the room.  I would guess the boy to be about 10 years of age.  He was writing with a pen and ink well, and his hand was smeared with smudged ink on the bottom pinky side of his palm.  He seemed to me a kid with a very active imagination and really no outlet other than writing to express it.  I got the feeling I was his 'imaginary friend' and we started talking.

I looked around the room and knew the time period was not present day.  I asked the boy what year it was.  He replied that it was 1848.  I then said it was antebellum, and that the Civil War was coming.  The boy gave me a funny look and said to me flatly as he kept on writing, "Yeah, I've heard people talk about somethin' like that comin."

It then dawned on me that this kid knew nothing about what was coming in 1861.  I told him that initially the south would have a strong showing in the beginning, but that the north would eventually win.  I went on to tell him that in the future there would be horseless carriages, talking wires, running water inside homes, lamps without oil, and all the modern conveniences that we take for granted in terms he could wrap his head around.

His hand could hardly keep up writing down what I was telling him.

What really blew his mind was when I told him people could get from New York to California in 5 hours flying through the air, and that man would someday walk on the moon.

End of dream. 

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