Friday, February 19, 2016

Trump vs Sanders

We the people are getting sick of the monied few pretending to care about the peasants.  They need to do a better job of pretending because let us be honest -- they never cared about us nor will they ever care about us.  Their only use for us is to make certain that we don't reach an angry mob mentality and riot which would ruin their nice suits and fancy cars. 

History has not taught us well.  Since the dawn of time those in power will do whatever it takes to remain in power at whatever costs.  Peasants are nothing more than pawns in their chess game.  Governments are formed, eventually get greedy and over controlling, the people riot, a new government is born and the cycle continues...and continues...and continues.  The irony is that the governments born of rebellion end up being rebelled against, as they eventually become what was originally rebelled against to begin with.  You following me?  LOL

Once upon a time I had a political science instructor who said, "Democracy ensures that the people get the type of government they deserve."

I can sense your disagreement all the way from the satellite this message is bouncing off from.  "How did we get to the mess we are in?  We don't deserve this.  It's not MY fault that America is in the state it's in."

Au contraire, mon ami.  It Is Your Fault.  Years of apathy from the American public coupled with low voter turnout gave carte blanche to the power hungry.  We were too busy watching the Love Boat and Full House to care about what was happening on Capitol Hill.  We all foolishly believed that we "will be taken care of" by "them."  They entrenched themselves in positions to screw us all over.  By the time we figured it out it was too late. 

THEY NEED to do something!!!!!!!!!!  Our country is a wreck!!!! You all are angry now.  good.  You should be.  However, dear ones, tell me.. who exactly is THEM?  Ready for the hard truth?  Them is YOU.  YOU need to do something and not depend on others to do it for you.  Look what delegating our overall well-being to politicians has done.  Whining to politicians at this point about how unhappy you are and how unfair life is useless.  Nobody ever said life was fair.  Suck up your choices and deal with it.  You do have a hand of your own personal choices for your current situation.  It all does not fall on politicians as much as it pains me to type that last statement. 

Enough of that..  Sanders or Trump.  Hmmmmmm.  Talk about two opposite ends of the spectrum.  They are the Yin and Yang of politics.  As far as the general public feels, anything is better than the run-of-the-mill bought and paid for establishment of Clinton or Bush.  However, I'm not letting Trump or Sanders off the hook, either.  I'll go on that tirade tomorrow. 

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