Saturday, February 6, 2016

Food Finds Me

The universe is twisting and turning my life into weird directions.  I have always toyed with the idea of opening up a sandwich shop or some other type of diner at the prompting of friends and family.  At one point two of my CA besties and I actually sat down to develop a business plan.  After *really* thinking about it we decided against it.... we did not want to eventually hate each other and be a slave to a restaurant working 24/7...because that's what it takes. 

My daughter has been a huge fan of a small, local sandwich chain since she was 5.  She's like Norm in the old television show Cheers.  She walks in and everybody knows her name and immediately serve her up her favorite sandwich with all her personal preferences. 

15 years go by and it's never changed....same sandwich....over and over again.  The owner's son (who is a similar age to my daughter) works the cash register at one of the locations.   He has taken a liking to my daughter and offered her a job at the cash register.   I'm holding my breath as love in the workplace can turn ugly if it does not work out. 

I'm getting off track.  Anyway, my daughter mentioned to me the other day how my homemade potato salad would be a HUGE seller at the shops because I have a unique, secret recipe that is truly of my own making.  I can feel the universe nudging me to oblige to the potato salad hint. 

If this romance between my daughter and the sandwich boy works out, there will NOT be a wedding cake...just sandwiches;)

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