Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Bore L: Half Time Show

No, I'm not some bitter local who could not score tickets to "the game" today.  Knock yourselves out, tourists.  Waiting in line for Pliney the Younger is much more satisfying.  If you're wondering WTF the last sentence was about you have *NO* business even crossing the line into sacred Sonoma County.  Fuck off and go home.  Please.  I'm sick of you all parking in my reserved spot.  That includes all you wannabe Marin cross-overs as well.  Hate to brake it to you, Marin, but you can't wear overalls and drive a BMW simultaneously. 

Anyway, before I get off on a tirade about just about everything, tonight's game was pretty low-scoring and pretty boring.  fumble.  fumble.  turnover.  fumble.  WTF. The first quarter showed signs of a well-matched team that could excite the masses with each scoring a respectable score.  That means an exciting second half, right???????  Wrong.

Wait.  The half time show is supposed to be the epitome of Super Bore, right?  All I could figure is that the superimposed, fake dancing, singing, and lip syncing  from my beloved Bruno Mars (aka Peter Hernandez) and Byonce was way worse than what Milli Vanilli was busted for back in the late 80's. 

Yeah....i was alive back then in the late 80's...and I remember.... much to the chagrin to all you little cyber punks who have no recollection of WTF I am talking about. 

Tonight's half time show SUCKED.  If I wanted to watch a video collage of performers over the history of the Super Bore I would have pulled it up on YouTube.  The superimposed, fake performances for tonight were supposed to make us think the artists were actually live?????  I know this is Silicon Valley and you all love the virtual world, but when in comes to entertainment please give it to me LIVE and give it to me REAL. 

On a positive note, now that I have spewed all my negativity, I had some people over who LOVE to cook as much as I do.  One is the grand daughter of an old, established bread company based in Marin.  The other is a son of a restaurant owner based at the  OLD Northgate 1.  I should not bash all people from Marin as we are buds.  It's the one who have moved there from New York, Florida or wherever who have ruined the county.  At least my Marin buds are warning us of what is creeping north to our 'hood..

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