Monday, February 8, 2016

The Voice

...and no, I'm not talking about that horrid television show where a panel of idiots critique little Lisa from Arkansas who just fell off the turnip truck into Los Angeles. 

I had a weird experience this morning.  It usually happens about 48 hours after I partake in an afternoon of meditation, kaballah, and taoist yin yoga -- with the healing sounds of live music and singing.  It's my heaven on earth. 

I was waking up in bed and in a state of half sleep yet.  I rolled over to check the time and then rolled onto my back and just gently shut my eyes with my arms in cactus pose.  Breathe.  On an exhale I heard a whisper that came from my throat but my mouth was closed and my lips and tongue were NOT moving.  The voice said, "Let go." 

Let go of exactly WHAT?  Freaking myself out completely, I jumped out of bed..... and how is YOUR morning going?

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