Thursday, May 28, 2015

The 2.7 Million Dollar Stinking Pile of Poo: Part III

What is it that "I no longer have any affiliation with the program" people do not understand?  I separated myself from the $2.7 million stinking pile of poo when Mr. Wonderful Los Angeles thought he could do things so much better than I and receive 5x the compensation I was getting for the same functions.  

Mr. Wonderful Los Angeles got the reins and total control.  I bowed out. 

Now I am getting phone calls and emails from the clients frantically wondering what is going on.  Phone calls made to Mr. Wonderful Los Angeles et al are not being returned.  Emails are bouncing.  Statements and policies are not being issued. 

Why are they calling ME?  I gave notice, in writing, as to where to direct all future inquiries.  I NO LONGER HAVE ANY RECORDS NOR DO I PERFORM ANY ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS FOR THE PROGRAM. 

Is that not perfectly clear?  I'm done?  What did I leave out?  They are still calling and emailing me.  It's not my fault that Mr. Wonderful Los Angeles is dabbling in real estate in Colorado and is in the field at least 50% of the time and can't be bothered running this business.  He has no time to be bothered with any of the boring details of running things, but wants to collect the money. Dealing with details is difficult with the convertible flashy sports car top down zipping down the highway donning designer clothing sipping a organic-fair-trade soy latte. 

Gag me.

No.  Don't gag me.  I want to see how this one ends.   I'm giving out Mr. Wonderful Los Angeles's private cell phone number at this point.  Why should I be fielding inquiries from an angry mob because HE isn't doing the job he took away from me?  It's distracting from my new responsibilities and I don't need be making excuses for him or give tutorial lessons to somebody who flat-out said they know it all. 

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