Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Silicon Valley Sweat Shops - The "Start Ups"

I suspect another tech bubble that will burst in the not-too-distant future.  There is this little game going on called "the start up."  The little Start Ups have one objective and that is to create their product or app and sell it to Google or some other tech monstrosity/monopoly.  However, in order for the start up game to work, they must recruit technology savvy talent and use them as slave labor.  Unfortunately, this game is nothing more than a glorified sweat shop.

The Start Up preys on those thinking they will strike it rich in Silicon Valley.  They solicit young, ambitious people to work 40 hours at poverty wages.  The Start Up dangles the carrot in front of the slave workforce of how their app/product is going to be the next big thing.  The slaves are then coerced into working another 20 hours per week pro bono to "take one for the team" and are given promises of getting their fair share and then some when they sell to Google.

We all know how the story ends.  The slaves never get their fair share.  Part of the reason why the tech industry is trying to convince everybody on the shortage of workers  in computer sciences is because those in the United States and other First World countries have figured out the Start Ups burn 'em and churn 'em game.  There is PLENTY of tech talent right here at home.  They just are reluctant to be used.  That's why the tech industry is crying for imports from China and India falsly claiming a workforce shortage.  Start Ups just don't want to pay a living wage.

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