Friday, May 8, 2015

Dancing With Myself

The business world is a cruel, brutal place.  It's not for the feint of heart.  Actually, anytime money is exchanged is fertile ground for the worst in humans to surface:  greed, control, power, selfishness, etc., etc., etc.  Everybody wants something for nothing.  Everybody wants to call the shots.

Life is an advanced algebraic equation.  Someday we will grasp the concept that in life and society you can't do something to one side of the equation without it not impacting the other.  Dr. Suess said it best, "Life is a great balancing act."  or....the more can't have your cake and eat it too.

I'm getting off track.  Anyway, I've been immersed in the icky side of business way too much lately.  With that I've been dealing with the icky side of humanity.  My energy was off balance I absorb the frequency of energy that's around me being the sensitive, empathic that I am.  Bottom line:  I was around too much low frequency energy for too long and it was bringing me down.  Toxic. 

Time to balance out with the more positive side of humanity -- enter my freaky, hippie friends.  Quiet Rage is tired at the end of a work day.  Most of what I do for work sucks the living soul right out of me and I feel depleted at the end of the day.  It's so easy to just want to go home, draw the shades, and stare into space.

My friends who know me really know me.  I was literally dragged out last night for music and dancing.  I tried to resist citing being tired but they did not buy it.  I'm glad I went.  Once there and the live music was playing I began to feel how healing it all was.  Pretty soon I was on the dance floor and danced until the music stopped.  I needed that injection of positive, fun energy.  We had so much fun we are going to repeat the same tonight;)

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