Monday, May 12, 2014

Teen Bedrooms: Contest for the Worst

A bestie from home, MRH, is having difficulty relaying to her late teen/early 20's children the common courtesy of keeping one's living space orderly -- especially when mom and dad are paying college tuition and then they come home to stay (rent free) only to leave mom with:  overflowing garbage bins, mystery puke/shit from the dog on top of clean laundry that stinks to high heaven, and candy wrappers and soda cans galore strung along the floor.  That's just the tip of the iceberg. 

What's the excuse the adult children give?  They don't have TIME to pick up after themselves.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  I'm sorry, but MRH has been through severe health issues and nowhere does it state that being a mother makes one a personal slave/servant to capable adult children.  Like us moms have nothing better to do than to clean up after everybody else?  Like *we* don't want to sit on the couch and watch the Kardashians eating cheetos while somebody else cooks dinner, picks up our messes, and does our laundry? 

I don't blame you, MRH, for being upset at this.  I can sooooooooo relate.  You are NOT out of line for expecting some sort of effort from adult offspring.  Start your blog, MRH.  Let the power of internet pictures, name tagging, facebook tagging, hash tagging, whatever, give you the ability to expose selfish ingrates as you see fit.  If they don't want their hideous messes exposed all over cyberspace, they have the power to keep their living quarters in decent shape.  If they don't like their sloppiness exposed they have the freedom to MOVE OUT AND PAY THEIR OWN EXPENSES. 


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