Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Club Scene Part II

The memory floodgates have been opened and I find myself back in the day and us girls would be at the club drinking our drinks.  Suddenly, a song would come on.  We would point at each other across the table and get that high-pitched squeal going and our feet would start tapping excitedly and we'd say to each other, "OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all have to go out and dance to this one!!!!!!!!!!!"

The drinks were abandoned and all of us were out there.  We owned the dance floor.  In retrospect we probably scared off any potential dance partners/dates LOL. 

This song brings me back again to SSP and "the girls."  There was so much truth to this song. If nothing else, I think the guy in the video should be crowned King of Chair Dancing. 

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