Monday, December 9, 2013

What is a Terrorist?

Thanks to 911 paranoia the definition of a "terrorist" is loosely defined as "anybody or group that undermines the United States of America." 

Anybody see room for misinterpretation?  I sure do.  That definition is partly to blame for the very reason our privacy is non-existent.  Anybody see room for abuse?  I sure do.  Somebody on a power trip can make your life miserable for no apparent reason. 

While it's so much fun to pick on the government, do NOT forget our friends at Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft, etc., are even more guilty than the government of collecting our demographics and selling it to business.  I find it amusing that they are now trying to persuade President Obama to do something about protecting our personal information.  If they cared so much they would secure their own practices before whining trying to make the government look bad. 

The government and the communication/internet giants are in this together.  The private internet giants gather our information and hand it over to whomever - usually for a handsome price.  Both the government and the internet giants pretend to have our best interests at heart.  They don't. 

I've blogged about this ad nauseum.  

Moral of the story:  Ditch electronic communication, pay cash, and use snail mail. 

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