Thursday, December 5, 2013

Liberals vs Conservatives

What I find so amusing about liberals is that they pride themselves on "personal freedom, expression, diversity, acceptance, blah, blah, blah" but only if it fits their own definition.  Here's a true story:

I know of a school in the Bay Area that helps kids with learning issues.  Sadly, many of these kids never find their niche and never self-actualize.  However, some of them do and become crazy successful.  The school likes to bring back these former students to motivate the student body.  This school is based in a very "liberal" population.  One of the former students is an aspiring officer in the military and is very, VERY happy.  However, he is not invited to back to the school because of the "anti-military" culture of the liberals.

Wow.  Talk about discrimination and prejudice. 

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