Sunday, December 22, 2013

T-minus 2 and Counting

Ready or not, here it comes.......Christmas, that is.  I think it sneaked up on us all this year as Thanksgiving came late (blink) Christmas.  Plus, I also think we all go into deep denial burying our heads in the sand hoping that if we ignore it, Christmas will just go away.

Oh no.  Denial is not working.  The constant blaring of cheesy Christmas music over every media won't allow for our escape.  Neither will the bombardment of catalogs, email offers, and telephone solicitors calling for donations.

It's T-minus 2 shopping days left (thankfully).  After that we throw our hands up and surrender, despite our to-do list that still has items unchecked, because what did not get done did not get done.  Waving the white flag. 

I'm sure I will not fulfill somebody's expectations.  Oh well.  There's only so much I can give.  Once again, I did not get Christmas cards out this year.  I did buy some pretty ones as my intentions were good.  I'll get them out next week when the insanity calms down.  They will be my "Three Wise Men" Christmas cards.  They were not there for the actual birthing event, but came after the fact.  Hey, if the Three Wise Men get a pass until January 6, which is Epiphany, why can't I?  Our ancestors were a lot wiser than us (no pun intended) as they celebrated 12 days of Christmas and did not even attempt to cram it into one.  Modern society should take note. 

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